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Johnny Bombay & The Reactions ►Cancelled to be rescheduled◄

9:00 - $10 Cover

Johnny Bombay and the Reactions return to the stage after a hiatus of… ah who’s counting!
Led by Abaad Behram, The Reactions are excited to uncork a set of their vintage rock n’ roll, replete with dual guitar weaving and straight up Stones styled roll mixed with some Brit and Raga rock, baby!
Here is the current roster of the usual suspects:
Abaad: The Razz, Artful Dodger; Johnny Bombay and The Reactions; The Howling Mad.
Doug Tull: Drums: (Razz, Tommy Keene, Howling Mad and Billy Coulter.)
Chuck Dolan: Bass: The Airport 77’s, The Reactions & The Howling Mad
Lee Rosenblum, Guitar: The Reactions; backup guitar for Paul Westerberg, Sam and Dave tours; independent artist with Above Records.
Like Halley’s comet, Johnny Bombay & The Reactions show up once in a blue moon and still find a way not to burn completely out. Come see!

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