8pm • $10 • Tickets on Eventbrite ands at the door if still available
Kyle Rowland dishes out a sauté of boisterous Chicago and swampy Texas blues with a pinch of West Coast swing. Danceable and listenable, his show will have you wanting more, with your toes tapping into the next morning. Rowland quickly and naturally developed his own sound. With help from a few of his heroes such as James Cotton, Lazy Lester, Hubert Sumlin, Matt “Guitar” Murphy and many others, Rowland learned specific techniques of stage presence, the music business, and several highly revered harmonica secrets. In August of 2022, Rowland signed an endorsement deal with harmonica company, Hohner, which he has proudly used for his entire career.
Sacramento Blues Hall of Fame inductee 2024
International Blues Challenge Semifinalist 2024 & 2025