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Bob Beach and Paul Wilkinson

7pm doors 8pm show • $20 • Tickets on Eventbrite and at the door

Bob Beach and Paul Wilkinson

Bob and Paul have known each other for quite awhile. They met when Bob would sit in with the Mason Porter Band. A few years ago they did several shows together as a duo and soon realized that something clicked and they should pursue this sound a little more. The result of this pursuit has been an 8 song recording that one DJ has described as “full of Clever Covers”. This recording is a combination of blues, gospel, folk, and rock tunes and a perfect example of Bob and Paul’s live show. Bob Beach’s career has spanned more than 50 years. With his roots in blues, rock, and folk, his innate feel for the music transcends genre, and can be integrated into everything from hip hop to bluegrass to kids’ cabaret and more. In addition to masterful harmonica, Bob’s skills include strong percussive flute work, and soulful vocals. When not touring you can find Bob performing and recording with many Philadelphia and east coast artists. Paul Wilkinson has been performing for more than 15 years. His musical instincts are founded on the charisma of Taj Mahal, the subtlety of Mississippi John Hurt, and the omnipresence of Bob Dylan in his life. He also can be found playing with the regional act Mason Porter, the Keystone Breakers and as a solo artist plus a number of duo combinations.

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